Saturday, February 7, 2009

Steele's Lost Report: The Little Prince 2/7/09

"The Little Prince"
Season 5, Episode 4

I was going to start recapping this season of Lost from the get-go, but I waited too long and now I don't really feel like reviewing 3 episodes all at once. If you watch the show, you know how draining it can be just to sit through multiple episodes, especially with all that's gone on this season, so I wasn't about to torture myself by having to write about them, as well. Hence, we start with episode 4, "The Little Prince."

Last week's episode, "Jughead," ended with the cliffhanger of Charlotte's nose profusely bleeding before she collapsed to the ground. We also saw how Desmond and Penny were about to get involved in the off-island drama set in 2007. What we didn't see, however, were the actions of any of the Oceanic 6 (and Ben and Ben's off-island Others). "The Little Prince" gives us a good dose of off-island material; unfortunately, most of it is centered around Kate. Now, I don't dislike Kate as a character, necessarily, I just find a lot of her storylines incredibly boring. This one, fortunately, is probably the most captivating storyline she's had since Season 1, but it was basically a convoluted way of showing us that, Hey, Ben is a manipulator.

As I predicted, the man behind the Agostini & Norton law firm coming to get blood samples from Kate to determine her relationship to her "son" Aaron was Ben Linus. Although they gave me a hell of a fake-out this week. Jack demands to see Kate, but won't exactly tell her why. Kate leaves Aaron with the visiting Sun, while she goes to meet with Dan Norton, the aforementioned lawyer. Sun, in the meantime, has a package delivered to her filled with surveillance documents and photographs of Ben and Jack (loading Locke's body into the van!), and a nice box of chocolates... oh, and underneath those chocolates is a bad-ass gun. Sun really means business, it seems, although I'm still not quite sure why she holds Ben (and Kate?) responsible for Jin's death.

Kate gets nothing out of her meeting with Norton, so she thinks following him to his meet with his client will yield more results. Jack goes along with Kate for the ride, and we see Norton meeting with CLAIRE'S MOTHER. Which, actually, wasn't that surprising, because the "Previously on Lost" montage had the clip of Jack meeting Claire's mom at Christian's funeral, but I digress. What WAS surprising, however, was what happened when Jack had a conversation with Mrs. Littleton (his stepmother, of sorts). He was on the defensive from the get-go, and started talking about how everything they were doing was to protect Aaron. "Who's Aaron?" Mrs. Littleton replied, and oh shit, we realize she is not the client after all. At that point, it became obvious to me that Ben was behind this, and it became obvious to Kate as soon as she saw Ben and Sayid get out of the van when meeting with her and Jack at the rendezvous point. Jack, feeling that Ben is on his side and would never hide something like that from him, is surprised when Ben simply put, "It was me, Jack." That about ends the off-island shenanigans, except for Sun, with a sleeping Aaron in the backseat, menacingly looking on from afar, with aforementioned pistol in tow. Shit's about to go down... next week, unfortunately.

Back to the on-island goodness in the year... actually, we don't even know what year they left off in last week's episode. The bomb wasn't there any more, but it could have been way before 1954, or way after it was buried. All we know is that Charlotte is still passed-the-F-out, and Daniel's shirt seems to have absorbed all of her nose blood. Sawyer starts immediately harassing Faraday about what is happening to her, but Juliette calls him off. She then politely asks Daniel if he knows what is happening, and he expresses that he thought it might. She does eventually come to, and doesn't know where she is or who Daniel is. Once he says his name, however, she smiles and instantly knows what is happening, leading me to believe that Daniel is her "constant."

Locke starts to think that going back to the Orchid station is the only way to try and stop what's happening to Charlotte (and Miles, although he keeps that from everyone but Faraday. Faraday then tells him it might be because of the amount of time he and Charlotte have spent on the island. This confuses Miles, who has only been on the island for two weeks, yet the time they spent focusing on Dr. Chang's baby in the season opener leads me to believe that Miles was born on the island.) Before they can even get anywhere, they're met with another flash, this one leading them to November 1st, 2004, (thank you, Lostpedia!) the night Boone died and the hatch lit up.

Anyone who recalls the episode where Boone met his demise also realizes that Claire gave birth to Aaron at the same time. Well, we don't get a flashback of that event, necessarily, but we get Sawyer literally seeing Kate assist Claire in giving birth to Aaron, just feet in front of him. Sawyer does not intervene, however, because “What's done is done.” Locke inspired that outlook in Sawyer, after telling him how he had banged on the hatch door out of frustration when he was unable to save Boone, looking for some sort of purpose. “I needed that pain, because I wouldn't be where I am today without it.” The islanders head back to the beach following another flash as Sawyer looks on at Kate, and then nothing. When asked by Juliette what he saw, he replies that it doesn't matter, because it's gone. I gotta be honest. I never liked the Kate/Sawyer love story, and felt really pissed at her when she banged him in one of the Others' cages. After the way Josh Holloway played the heartbroken one last night, I almost want him, not Jack, to end up with Kate. Upon arriving at the beach, they come across their camp, somewhat in tact, but ransacked of supplies. The zodiac raft that they planned to take to the other side of the island is also gone. In its place is a large canoe, with a mysterious bottle of water from an Indian airline inside of it. My guess? The Oceanic 6 flew on said airline and crashed into the island.

This theory is further enhanced by the islanders being shot at by dark figures in the distance, also in a large canoe. I'm thinking it was either the future versions of themselves, or Jack and his buddies doing the shooting. Sawyer shouts “Thank you, God!” as another flash approaches, saving them from danger, until they reappear in the middle of a vicious ocean storm. “I take that back!” = funniest line of the night. The islanders get to land, where Sawyer and Juliette have a nice, quiet moment. That is, until Juliette gets a nosebleed. LOST!

And how could I forget maybe the jaw-droppingest moment of the night? Caught in the same storm as our islanders is a life raft full of French speaking people. They approach a body floating on a piece of lumber and drag him onto their raft. When they turn him over, we recognize him instantly, and it's Hurley!? WTF?

WRONG. It's Jin! Jin lives! Jin lives!

The next morning, Jin wakes on the beach, again not understanding anything anyone's saying. He realizes one of the young women speaks English, and he does “a little.” He tells her his name is Jin, and she introduces herself as a very young, very pregnant Danielle Rousseau. Wow, wow, wow.

The preview for next week's episode had Ben telling Sun he could prove that Jin was still alive, along with Locke being lowered by rope down into what I assume is the remains of the Orchid station. I cannot wait.

Matt Steele

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